thirty one thousandths as a percentage = 0.031
One fifth as a decimal is 0.20 One fifth as a percentage is 20%
You cannot. Percentage is a binary operator: you input two numbers and get one number as a percentage of the other or, equivalently, the percentage change from one to the other.
As a percentage 1/2 = 50%
There is no percentage when you are only working with one number.
25% is one fourth as a percentage.
The percentage for one third is 33%.
One and a half as a percentage is 150%
1/1 or 1 as a percentage = 100%
thirty one thousandths as a percentage = 0.031
One fifth as a decimal is 0.20 One fifth as a percentage is 20%
You cannot. Percentage is a binary operator: you input two numbers and get one number as a percentage of the other or, equivalently, the percentage change from one to the other.
150 as a percentage = 15000%
As a percentage 1/2 = 50%
One hundred and twenty five (125) as a percentage is 125%.
Indeed the percentage is small.
There is no percentage when you are only working with one number.