When expressing a number to one significant figure, you round it to the nearest power of 10. In this case, 150.932 to 1 significant figure would be 200. Since 150.932 is closer to 200 than to 100, the rounded value is 200.
It then is 40000 to one significant figure
It is 10
That depends on whether the dot before the question mark is a period or a decimal point. 100 has one significant figure. 100. has three significant figures.
200 Explanation: 2 is the one significant figure. The zeros are not significant. Round up because it is closer to 200 than to 100.
When expressing a number to one significant figure, you round it to the nearest power of 10. In this case, 150.932 to 1 significant figure would be 200. Since 150.932 is closer to 200 than to 100, the rounded value is 200.
It then is 40000 to one significant figure
It is 10
146 rounded to one significant figure becomes 100
You round to the nearest tens place. In this case, 738 rounded to one significant figure is 700.
That depends on whether the dot before the question mark is a period or a decimal point. 100 has one significant figure. 100. has three significant figures.