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A quartet or quartette is usually used for a set of four people playing music but not only for that.

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Q: One word for a group of four people?
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Which quad word means and one of four people?

Quad or its derivatives refer to four of something or a forth part of something. A group of four people is called a quartet, one of these would be a quarter of the quartet

What is a group of four books called?

One word is quartet.Some others are tetrad and foursome.If they are four people, a jocular term is "gang of four".

Is it better people are or people is?

'People are' - is the correct term. The word 'is' relates to something singular, whereas the word 'are' refers to a group. 'People' is a word for more than one person - therefore you use 'people are'

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LOL No one really made this word. This word was fist used in USENET now is a worldwide word. So no one made this word. It was used by some people. Or maybe a group of people made it.

How many syllables are in the word group?

The word group has one syllable.

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Yes, the word colony is a noun, a singular, common noun; a word for a group of people or a country that is controlled by another country; a population of plants or animals in a particular place that belong to one species; a group of people with common qualities or interests located in close association; a word for a group or a thing.

What is the word when you categorise a whole group of people to be the same as one another?

stereotypical maybe sam?? :)

What is the word for a government where one person or a group of people has absolute power?

Dictatorship or autocracy.

How do you spell people?

That is the correct spelling of the word "people" (humans).People is the correct spelling.The likely word is people (more than one person; populace, tribe, ethnic group).

Could someone use the word a group of specialist and if use does it mean all the group member are of one specialty?

no it means a group of people that may have different specialties within the group

What is group the collective noun for?

The word 'group' is used as a general collective noun for anything appropriate. Example:a group of peoplea group of carsa group of cakesa group of islandsa group of coworkersCollective nouns are an informal part of language. A collective noun is a word used to group people or things taken together as one whole in a descriptive way. The word 'group' can be used when a descriptive word isn't necessary.

How can i replace the word you in an essay?

One can replace the word "you" in an essay by substituting the word "one." Also, instead of singling out a person, try groups of people such as: Community Group Society Population