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Q: One you is skilled in designing constructing or maintaining machinery?
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How the flyover is construct?

with the help of skilled persons , material, money and machinery

Disadvantages in using modern machines in agriculture?

There are many disadvantages for using modern machinery in agricultural settings. One if the biggest disadvantages of using modern machinery is that the machinery is very expensive to purchase and to maintain. Another disadvantage of using modern machinery is that most newer farm machinery needs a person skilled in the operation of the machinery to run it.

Which group of workers was most negatively by the increasing use of machines?

Skilled workers

What do artisan do?

An artisan, also called a craftsmen is a skilled manual worker who uses tools and machinery in a particular craft.

In what ways did industrialization turn workers into interchangeable parts?

Skilled craftsmen were replace by machinery that could be operated by anyone with a little training.

What is the process of making a chair?

The process of making a chair typically involves designing the chair, selecting materials such as wood or metal, cutting and shaping the materials, assembling the pieces together using tools like screws or glue, and finishing the chair with paint or varnish for a polished look. Skilled craftsmen or automated machinery may be used in different stages of the process.

What is the impact on the textile industry?

Textile machinery has made a large impact on the industry through automation. The workforce that was used to perform these jobs were highly skilled.

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In my opinion, Pepagora Internet is the right company for web designing. Their skilled and creative mind deliver out-of-the-box and unique websites.

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Some major problems of constructing roads in rural areas include limited funding and resources, difficult terrain and topography, land acquisition and ownership issues, environmental impact concerns, and lack of skilled labor for construction. These challenges can result in delays, increased costs, and potential disruptions to the local community and ecosystem.

In the design-Built design-Built, 'AJ LIFESTYLE is the most skilled in the class architectural, interior designing and construction firm for home construction and interior furnishing works in the city.'?

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Gauchos principally work on estancias, which are large ranches in Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil. They are skilled horsemen who are responsible for herding cattle and maintaining the ranch.

What was the key factor in Thomas Edisons success in designing the light bulb?

Thomas Edison's success in designing the light bulb was attributed to his persistent experimentation with different materials and methods to find the most suitable filament, his ability to iterate quickly on failures, and his team of skilled assistants who supported his work.