

Opposite angles are in value

Updated: 12/2/2022
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Q: Opposite angles are in value
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What is the value of an opposite angle?

Opposite angles are equal to each other

The nonadjacent angles formed by two intersecting lines?

two adjacent angles formed by two intersecting tines are

What angles does a parallelogram have?

It has 2 opposite equal acute angles and 2 opposite equal obtuse angles and the 4 angles add up to 360 degrees.

What is the difference between a vertical angle and an opposite angle?

Opposite angles are the angles opposite each other on an x but vertical angles are the angles that are opposite and congruent.

What does the word vertical and opposite angles mean?

vertical angles are when you have an "x" made by intersecting lines and the angles in it are vertical angles. Opposite angles are when you have the x, the angles are on directly opposite sides. --->x<--- those are opposite of each other. therefore they are opposite angles. the arrows are pointing at them

What does opposite angles mean?

When 2 lines intersect, 4 angles are formed. The angles that are directly opposite to each other are called opposite angles.

Opposite angles in a paralleogram are?

Opposite angles in a parallelogram are congruent.

Opposite angles in a parrallelogram are?

Opposite angles of a parallelogram are congruent.

Are opposite angles equal?

yes opposite angles are equal

What is the opposite angles where two lines meet?

The opposite angles are simply called opposite angles. They always have the same measure.

What angles are pairs of opposite and congreuent angles formed by intersecting lines?

Equal opposite angles.

How many opposite angles does a rhombus have?

A rhombus has 4 interior angles and opposite angles are equal