One way to order a group of fractions is to write them down as decimals, which makes them easier to compare.
1/3 = 0.3333...
2/7 = 0.285714...
3/14 = 0.214285714...
1/6 = 0.16666...
So we compare the decimals and see that
0.1666... < 0.21428... < 0.2857.... < 0.3333, which tells us that
1/6 < 3/14 < 2/7 < 1/3.
0.314 = 314/1000 = 157/500
It is: 5966
The greatest number that can be made by rearranging the digits is 75431 but, of course, 75314 is much larger and 75 to the power 314 is larger still.The greatest number that can be made by rearranging the digits is 75431 but, of course, 75314 is much larger and 75 to the power 314 is larger still.The greatest number that can be made by rearranging the digits is 75431 but, of course, 75314 is much larger and 75 to the power 314 is larger still.The greatest number that can be made by rearranging the digits is 75431 but, of course, 75314 is much larger and 75 to the power 314 is larger still.
There are many, many, fractions equal to 3.14314/100 for instance. Or 22/7 which is smaller and almost as close. It gives you 3.1428571 which is closer then 314/100. Uh, no. 314/100 is much closer to 3.14 than 22/7. Also, 22/7 is not smaller than 314/100, it is larger. 3.1428571 > 3.14.
1 x 314 and 2 x 157
The positive integer factors of 314 are: 1, 2, 157, 314
314 is 31400%.
314 is even.
314-9y = 305
sqrt(314) cannot be simplified.
The positive integer factors of 314 are: 1, 2, 157, 314 The prime factors of 314 are: 2, 157