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Q: Organized procedure for testing a hypothesis?
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Is an organized procedure for testing hypothesis?

Is an explanation based on many observations supported by experimental results

What is a procedure for testing a hypothesis?

an experiment

A procedure for testing a hypothesis is what?

An experiment or method

What is the word for the organized procedure used to test a hypothesis?

An experiment.

How does a chemist test the hypotheses?

by testing whatever his hypothesis is about through a step called the procedure

What are the steps for testing a hypothesis?

1)Ask a question 2)Make a hypothesis (predict what will happen with your experiment) 3)Research your hypothesis 4)Test your hypothesis 5)Collect/organized your data 6)Results 7)Draw a conclusion

What is the difference between forming a hypothesis and testing a hypothesis?

forming a hypothesis is when you come up with an educated guess.. what you think it may be . testing a hypothesis is when you're testing to see if someone else's guess is right.

What following statement is not part of testing a hypothesis?

Concluding that the hypothesis is correct based on personal beliefs or opinions is not part of testing a hypothesis. Testing a hypothesis involves designing experiments, collecting data, and analyzing results to determine if the hypothesis is supported or not.

What hypothesis testing procedure would you use for the mean time an American family lives in a particular single family dwelling?

Chi-Square test

List the 5 steps of hypothesis testing and explain the procedure and logic of each Specify the null and alternative hypothesis Select a significance level typically 0.05 or the 0.01 level is used?

what is an example of a hypothses about compensation?

What is the act of testing a hypothesis?

examining/ experimenting/ testing/ verifying... it depends on the type of hypothesis to an extent I think.

What is the difference between a hypothesis a theory and a conclusion drawn from hypothesis testing?

A hypothesis is a suggestion of a way to explain something. If the hypothesis is tested and confirmed, it can advance to the status of theory. The conclusion of testing a hypothesis will be either that the hypothesis is confirmed, or it is not confirmed.