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Q: Out of 30 question Ahmad answered 12 of them incorrectly What percent of the questions did he answer correctly?
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If you answered 27 correctly and 18 incorrectly, you would have answered 60% correctly.

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A student answered three questions on a 40-question test incorrectly. What perecent did the student answer correctly?


How do you answer a question?

* For questions on, see the related question below.A question is answered by providing information, possibly qualifying how the information relates to specific aspects of the question. A question may be answered correctly or incorrectly, and specifically or generally.

Who correctly answered to yaksha's questions?

who correctly answered to yaksha's question

How many questions can you miss to get an 80 percent on a 30 question test?

6, you must get at least 24 of the questions correct to make an 80%. I found this by setting up a proportion: x questions 80 % _________ = ________ 30 questions 100% = 24 question (must be answered correctly) 30-24= 6 questions (can be answered incorrectly)

There are 50 question and you get 90 percent right how many questions were answered correctly?

45 were correctly answered

Is answered adverb?

No, answered is the past tense form of the verb answer. It can also be an adjective.Can you answer the question?He answered the question correctly.This is one of many correctly answered questions.

Is answered an adverb?

No, answered is the past tense form of the verb answer. It can also be an adjective.Can you answer the question?He answered the question correctly.This is one of many correctly answered questions.

How do you put the word incorrectly in a sentence?

I answered one question on my test incorrectly.

What are questions people don't answer?

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