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Q: Over two-thirds of the current fresh water is used for what?
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Where is 3 percent freshwater found?

97% of water on the Earth is salt water, and only 3% is fresh water of which slightly over two thirds is frozen in glaciers and polar ice caps.

What Roman achievements are still used today?

The aqueducts. They were the first sewer and water system in the world. They brought in clean water over hundreds of miles from fresh water lakes or rivers so Romans could bath in and drink with fresh water. There are many aqueduct ruins all throughout southern France (like Aix-en Provence) and Italy as well.The arch, used in architecture.The Romans, at the height of their power, had an extensive highway system that connected the desert of Egypt and Palestine to the cold, snow-covered forests of Germania and Northern Europe. Because of the size and length of these roads, the Roman legions could be easily travel from one width of the Empire to the other.

What was Archimedes bathtub experiment?

over-flowing water

What are the examples in day to day life that air exerts pressure?

Take a tin can with a lid. Fill it approximately with half of water. Heat the can on a candle flame till the water boils. Let the water boil for a few minutes. Blow out the candle. Immediately put the lid tightly on the can. Be careful in handling the hot can. Put the can carefully in a shallow metallic vessel or a washbasin. Pour fresh water over the can.THE CAN GETS DISTORTED DUE TO THE AIR PRESSURE EXERTED.If you can't get a tin can, take a soft plastic bottle. Fill it with hot water. Empty the bottle and immediately cap it tightly. Place the bottle under running water.

Is depth of water over time a function?

Yes, it usually is.

Related questions

Why do you think conserving fresh water might be important?

Conserving fresh water is important because it ensures the availability of clean drinking water for current and future generations. It also helps to sustain ecosystems and biodiversity dependent on water sources. Additionally, water scarcity is a global issue that can lead to conflicts over resources.

Why do fresh water filtered fish tanks lose water over time?

The water will evporate on its own over time.

Where do ground beetles live?

Water beetles live in water, but they can only survive in fresh water or chlorinated water, they can't live in saltwater. There are over 2,000 species of water beetles and they are found in fresh water all over the world.

What are the benefits of fresh water?

Fresh water tastes a little better, and is not weird tasting. Water that is over 2-3 days old can become dirty and unsafe.

What advantage does a salt water organism have over a fresh water or terrestrial organism?

A salt water has an advantage over other organisms because the earth is made of more salt water then it is fresh water or land. This gives it more space to live and reproduce.

Does salt water float over fresh water?

Yes, because salt water is denser than fresh water, it will typically float on top of fresh water in a layered system called stratification. This is due to the differences in salinity and density between the two types of water.

Did a poor person in Rome have a fresh water supply?

Yes, the poor in Rome had a fresh water supply. There were numerous fountains all over the city where water was free for the taking.

Which is the major fresh water source on the Earth?

It's actually the salty oceans, because the sun evaporates fresh water from the oceans; it forms into clouds; the clouds blow over the land and drop the fresh water as rain. It collects into rivers and lakes and dams and then into our houses. Fresh!

Where was Roman aqueduct located?

The Roman aqueducts were located wherever fresh water was needed. They were all over the place. The city of Rome itself had nine aqueducts.The Roman aqueducts were located wherever fresh water was needed. They were all over the place. The city of Rome itself had nine aqueducts.The Roman aqueducts were located wherever fresh water was needed. They were all over the place. The city of Rome itself had nine aqueducts.The Roman aqueducts were located wherever fresh water was needed. They were all over the place. The city of Rome itself had nine aqueducts.The Roman aqueducts were located wherever fresh water was needed. They were all over the place. The city of Rome itself had nine aqueducts.The Roman aqueducts were located wherever fresh water was needed. They were all over the place. The city of Rome itself had nine aqueducts.The Roman aqueducts were located wherever fresh water was needed. They were all over the place. The city of Rome itself had nine aqueducts.The Roman aqueducts were located wherever fresh water was needed. They were all over the place. The city of Rome itself had nine aqueducts.The Roman aqueducts were located wherever fresh water was needed. They were all over the place. The city of Rome itself had nine aqueducts.

What is a aquaduck is a device that transports water over a vast length it was used by roman citizens for fresh and clean water.?

Firstly, it is spelled aqueduct. Secondly, you are correct. It is device used for giving fresh, clean water over a great length made by the Romans.

Where is located over 90 percent of world's fresh supply of pure drinking water?

Over 90 percent of the world's supply of fresh water is located in Antarctica. The Great Lakes in North America are known for having the most water suppy for the area.

How much of Earth's fresh water is in ice sheets and glaciers?

Approximately 68.7% of the world's fresh water is stored in ice sheets and glaciers. These frozen reservoirs are crucial for regulating global sea levels and fresh water availability.