7 and 7
7 & 14
The numbers 40.5 and 36.5 have a difference of 4 and a sum of 77.
Sum of first 7 prime numbers is equal to 2+3+5+7+11+13+17 = 58.
The sum of 7 and 19 is 26.
7 and 7
the product of 3 whole numbers is 5. Their sum is 7. what are the numbers
No two odd numbers can sum to 7.
7 & 14
The numbers 40.5 and 36.5 have a difference of 4 and a sum of 77.
Sum of first 7 prime numbers is equal to 2+3+5+7+11+13+17 = 58.
You cannot have 7 odd numbers that will sum to 30.
Numbers that have a product of 8 are 1,8 and 2,4. Their sums are 9 and 6 respectively. Numbers that have a product of 7 and a sum of 8 are 1 and 7.
1, 4 and 7
The sum of 7 and 19 is 26.
The numbers are 5, 6, and 7.
The numbers needed are 1 and 7