Pacific Standard Time (PST) = GMT - 7:00
A quick search in google for "time-zone conversion" gives you a lot of options to work out time differences.
no because the algorithum states it mst be a triangle for the algorithem to work
In the "military system"" or 24-hour system, 1913 means 7:13 PM. However Militaty and Aviation Tim e will often refer to this as 1913 hrs Zulu. Zulu refers to Greenwich Mean Time. This removes the need to convert to local time (EST. MST, etc.) and thus escape the confusio as to which time zone was referred to.
It is: 8*125 = 1000
The time difference between PST and MST is 1 hour. Example: 8 AM in PST = 9 AM in MST.
0500 pst = 0600 mst 0500 pst = 0500 mst
6 pm PST is 7 pm MST. Mountain Standard Time (MST) is one hour ahead of Pacific Standard Time (PST).
PST = MST - 1 hour
PST = MST - 1 hourPDT = MST
8 am pst - 9 am mst - 10 am cst -
8 PM PST is 9 PM MST and 10 PM MDT.8 PM PDT is 8 PM MST and 9 PM MDT.
It would be nine o'clock P.M. in Mountain Time. Mountain Time is one hour ahead of Pacific Time.
1215 Pacific Daylight Saving Time (PDT; UTC-7) = 1215 Mountain Standard Time (MST; UTC-7) 1215 Pacific Standard Time (PST; UTC-8) = 1315 MST
Pacific Standard Time = PST = UTC - 8 hrs. Pacific Daylight Saving Time = PDT = UTC - 7 hrs. Mountain Standard Time = MST = UTC - 7 hrs. Mountain Daylight Saving Time = MDT = UTC - 6 hrs. 6 AM MDT = 4 AM PST = 5 AM PDT 6 AM MST = 5 AM PST = 6 AM PDT
States of the United States that are in more than one time zone are, in alphabetical order,... Alaska (MeST, AKST/AKDT & HAST/HADT) Arizona - March to November only (MST & MST/MDT) Florida (EST/EDT & CST/CDT) Idaho (MST/MDT & PST/PDT) Indiana (EST/EDT & CST/CDT) Kansas (CST/CDT & MST/MDT) Kentucky (EST/EDT & CST/CDT) Michigan (EST/EDT & CST/CDT) Nebraska (CST/CDT & MST/MDT) Nevada (MST/MDT & PST/PDT) North Dakota (CST/CDT & MST/MDT) Oregon (MST/MDT & PST/PDT) South Dakota (CST/CDT & MST/MDT) Tennessee (EST/EDT & CST/CDT) Texas (CST/CDT & MST/MDT)
Central Standard Time is 2 hours ahead of Pacific Standard Time, so 8 am in PST is 10 am in CST