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Q: Paul creates a scatter plot with a negative association the x axis of the scatter plot is titled minutes spent at mall which label is most likely the title of the y axis of Paul's scatter plot?
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Is it possible for a scatter plot to have a positive or negative association that is not linear?

Certainly. It could, for example, be a power relationship such as y = x^3

What is the definition of negative trend?

A trend that decreases downward in a scatter plot.

How do you draw a scatter plot with a negative correlation?

you graph the points going downwards

What is the data in a scatter plot that appear to go downhill from left to right?


How is a scatter plot that shows no correlation different from a scatter plot that has a negative corrrelation?

A scatterplot with no correlation means that there is no relation between the two categories, a negative correlation means that the two categories have a relationship that as one gets greater the other gets smaller

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What does it means to have a correlation in a scatter plot?

A correlation exists in a scatter plot if there is a general trend in the outputs as inputs increase. If the outputs generally increase in value, then there is a positive correlation. If the outputs generally decrease in value, then there is a negative correlation.

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What kind diagram is used to graph two-variable data for correlation analysis?

A scatter plot.A scatter plot.A scatter plot.A scatter plot.

What is scatter seed?

a scatter seed is a pack of seeds that scatter all over

What does a scatter plot with negative linear relationship look like?

A straight line of points going from top left towards bottom right.

Which type of chart shows the pattern or relationships between sets of data points?

A scatter plot.A scatter plot.A scatter plot.A scatter plot.