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Q: People involved in the development of gymnastics?
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Related questions

Who are the involved in gymnastic?

Anyone can be involved in gymnastics, the people who compete in gymnastics are called gymnasts.

Do people have to do gymnastics?

no people do not have to do gymnastics

Is gymnastics a good sport to be involved with?

Whether or not a person should be involved in gymnastics depends onindividual ability. The sport is good. It is less popular than a number of other sports.

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The Person Involved in the development of computer is The Person Involved in the development of computer

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Can a preteen start gymnastics not knowing anything about gymnastics?

Yes, for sure! Don't worry about not knowing anything because you will learn once you start.Other people start gymnasticsat that age too, and it's a really fun thing to get involved in!

Who was involved in the development of Airmail?

Earle Ovington was involved in airmail development.

Who are the people involved in software development life cycle?

Analysts, designers, programmers and testers are important members. There may be others, such as people involved in training or people who are involved in providing hardware for the system. Users can also be involved, as they will be the people using the software, so their input will be important.

Who was involved with the development of the atomic bomb?

Many people were involved; one of the most famous might have been J. Robert Oppenheimer.

Who are those scientist involved in the development computer?

Who are those scientist involved in the development computer?

What are the people who can do cartwheels and gymnastics?

Gymnastics is done all over the world. Because of this, it is an Olympic sport.

Who were some of the main people involved in the development of the internet?

Rober E. Kahn and Vintage Cerf