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Q: Perimeter of a square with 8m sides?
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What is the are of a square that has a perimeter of 32 meters?

With a square, you have 4 sides of exactly the same length and 4 right angles. The perimeter is therefore 32/4 = 8m sides. The area of a square in side x side or side2 =4x4 = 16m2

What is the perimeter of a square with sides of 8-m?

Umm... just times 8 by four if you're talking about a 2D square. That is 32.

What is the perimeter of a rectangle of 8m times 3m?

Isn't it the sum of all sides? 8m+8m+3m+3m = 22m

What is the area of a square with the perimeter of 32 meters?

The perimeter of a square is 4 times the length of a side. So, 32 = 4*L => L = 8 metres. The area of the square is 8m*8m or 64 sq metres.

What is the perimeter of a square with an area of 64m2?

32m. Area_of_square = side2 -> side = √area -> side = √64m2 = 8m Perimeter_of_square = 4 x side -> Perimeter = 4 x 8m = 32m

What is the perimeter of a rectangle 12m 8m?

Assuming that the measures given in the question refer to the lengths of the sides of the rectangle, the answer is 40 metres.

What is the perimeter of a square with sides of 3.5cm?

The perimeter of a square with sides of 3.5cm is:3.5cm x 4 = 14 cm perimeter

What is the perimeter of a square with 7.5meter sides?

Hint: a square's perimeter is the sum of the length of its four sides...

What is the perimeter of a square with 6 km sides?

The perimeter of a square with 6 km sides is 24 km

What is the perimeter of a square with 2 inch sides?

The perimeter of a square with 2 inch sides is 8 inches.

What is the perimeter of a square?

The perimeter of a square is the sum of the four equal sides.

Perimeter of a square with 1.25 sides?

Perimeter is 5.