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Q: Persuade that good values are important in your life?
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How can positive self talk help a person who is thinking of suicide?

If you talk about how good their life was and what they have accomplished, it may raise their self-esteem and persuade them to keep on living.

What is values clashes?

As a very simplistic example, let's say that I value book-learning, but you value first-hand experiences. We could each try to persuade each other to change our points of view and to accept each other's "value" as being more important than what we each value. But, if neither of us can persuade the other, and neither of us choose to at least understand each other's values, a "clash of values" could occur. You might campaign for more young adults to participate in volunteerism or overseas travel opportunities, while I might campaign for more monies for high schools and libraries. If we perceive our own values as being more important than the other person's, conflict could erupt.Clashes of values often occur on a larger scale. Instead of a conflict between 2 persons, as in my example, the differences might be between countries, religious groups, or even political groups. One of the most well-known value clash from the 1970s to the present is the debate and argument between "Pro Life" or "Pro Choice", with each group holding strong values and beliefs about abortion. A similar example is the "Right to Die" versus "Sactity of Life, regardless of condition or prognosis." The news carries other examples of personal and societal "value clashes" every day.So to recap, a "clash of values" has certain characteristics:One, a strongly held conviction or belief (a value)Two, an unwillingness or inability to reconcile other people's values with our ownThree, an unwillingness or inability to accept that another person's values may be just as valid as our ownAnd, fourth, the desire and willingness to "fight" for the "rightness" of our value against all others; the inability to draw upon other people's beliefs, opinions, and values with the idea that their values are just as important as our own

What is the relationship between goals and values?

Values are principles that are given importance or are considered important in life Goals on the other hand are the objectives one should strive hard to achieve. A standard is a rule or principle that is used as a basis for judgment

What is the difference between social and personal values?

social are always used when we are going to talk about society ,these values are always like "to say thanx , welcome, help others whereas personal values are always related with your good principle towards life like as "to be puntual ,to maintain discipline etc.

What is a sentence using math?

Here are some sentences.I'm not very good at math.Math is important for your life.

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Write a text to persuade your classmates that good personal values are important in your life?

write a text to persuad your classmates that good personal values are important in our life Answer2: Values are moral ethical principles that we view as good and important. They might include forgiveness, honestyz, liberty, respect for life, and self control. Our values therefore influence our behavior, priorities and relationships as well as our moral guidance we give our children and others. Despite their imprtance, moral values are in decline. Research the fall of the Roman empire of old, it fell in part due to the decline in morals and values, very high prostitution counts, spread of diseases, corruption, public health problems and urban decay. ref 11/2013 Awake

What is value spectrum of good life?

A good life can be lead in a society with peace, harmony, well-being and fellow feeling. Just like light has seven distinct spectrum colour expressed as "VIBGYOR", similarly a good life comprises of seven important values. They are material values, social values, aesthetic values, physiological values, ethical values and spiritual values. The above seven values are known as the spectrum of good life.

Explain five values that you consider to be most important in your working life?

For me, the important values in a work environment are:honestyconsistencyfocusconsiderationteamwork

How do you persuade someone to get Call of Duty?

You should tell them it teaches you things about the military( which it does) and it teaches you the value of friendship. The game also teaches that no man should be left behind, and many important life values. It's basically a giant history lesson

What values can you get from Solomon's life?

Good values from Solomon's life include the worth of seeking after wisdom. Early in his life he had a degree of humility.

Why are values important when making a decision?

It is important to remember your values when making a decision as otherwise, the decision you make will not help you as it will not be based around your life.

Why is Christ important in life?

If you are a Christian, the values that Christ represents are important. Not everyone believes that Christ is important.

Why values education is part of the curriculum?

Children need values. In some schools the parents don’t teach values at home. To reinforce values is important for children to learn about how to treat others and what is important in their actions and life.

What did Victorian children learn in religion?

good values in life

Are values the same as goals?

No. Values are things that you believe in and that are important to you, like respect for life, being polite, the importance of family. Different people have different values. Goals are targets you want to achieve, like pass your exams, get a good job, run a marathon etc.

How does Traditional values of your upbringing play an important role in your life?

I am and strongly agree

What term is used to describe a person's fundamental beliefs concerning what is important in life?

The term used to describe a person's fundamental beliefs concerning what is important in life is "values." Values can encompass a wide range of principles and ideals that guide a person's decisions, actions, and attitudes.