

Best Answer

Pete = 27

Nick = 11

Howie = 30

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Q: Pete is 16 years older than Nick Nick is 19 years younger than Howie If Pete is 27 years old how old is Howie?
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Is miley older than nick?

No, she's a little bit younger.

What is Joe Jonas's brothers called?

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mariah is 8 years older than nick. Actually, Mariah Carey is 10 years older than Nick.

Does nick like girls younger or older than him like 13?

yes 11

What is Nick Jonas' dating ages that he will go out with?

Nick has never stated how old he wants a girl to be in order to date her, but he would most likely date a girl that was either a few years younger or older than him.

How old should a girl be to date Nick Jonas?

well, nick is 15, going on 16 soon, so they should be at least 2 years younger or older, i guess. but nick seems like the type that would date girls that are around his age, meaning a few months older/younger. although i think if nick really liked someone age wouldn't matter. he seems like the type that believes age shouldn't stand in the way of love.

Is Christina cimorelli older than her Nick Jonas?

Yes. Christina Cimorelli is 2 years older than Nick Jonas.

Would nick jonas date a girl six years younger than him?

Right now, probably not, since 6 years is a huge deal and illegal when you're this young. But when you're older, who knows? -ilegal as in- underage people cannot date people a ridiculous lot older-

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Would Nick Jonas marry someone 4 years younger?

i dunnno

Does Nick Jonas want a girlfriend older or younger than him?

I think he would like someone younger and that is not imature. He will want her to beable to understand him and communicate in a mature manner.