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Q: Physical values in the real world have two components magnitude and A Length B Time C Dimension D Mass?
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What is a footprint dimension?

A footprint dimension represents the physical size or area that a component or object occupies on a surface. It typically includes the length and width measurements to define the space needed for placement. In electronics, a footprint dimension is crucial for accurately designing and positioning components on circuit boards.

Is 100 meters a physical or chemical property?

100 meters is a distance (length); the length as a dimension can be considered a physical property.

Is dimension the length?

No dimensions are length, hight, and depth; and are used to define the physical shape of an object.

What do you mean by the dimensional formula and dimension of physical quantity?

The dimensional formula of a physical quantity represents how it is composed of fundamental dimensions like length, mass, and time. For example, the dimensional formula of velocity is [LT^-1] where L represents length and T represents time. The dimension of a physical quantity refers to the type of fundamental dimension it represents, like length, mass, or time.

The length of a vector indicates the magnitude of the vector.?

Yes, the length of a vector, also known as its magnitude or norm, represents the size or extent of the vector in space. It is calculated using mathematical formulas that involve the components of the vector. A vector with greater length denotes a larger magnitude in comparison to a vector with a smaller length.

What does size mean?

Size refers to the physical dimensions or measurements of an object, such as its length, width, height, or volume. It can also refer to the magnitude or extent of something. Additionally, size can be used to describe the relative scale of something compared to others.

What is vector physical?

A vector in physics is a quantity that has both magnitude and direction. It is represented by an arrow pointing in a specific direction, with the length of the arrow indicating the magnitude of the vector. Vectors are used to represent various physical quantities such as force, velocity, and acceleration in physics.

Has length no dimension no thickness?

Length IS a dimension (in space). It has no thickness.

When adding vectors in one dimension what does the lenght of the arrows represent?

In one dimension, the length of the arrows represents the magnitude or size of the vectors. Longer arrows indicate larger magnitudes, while shorter arrows indicate smaller magnitudes. The direction of the arrows indicates the direction of the vectors.

Is length an example of kinetic or potential energy?

Length is a characterization of spatial dimension, i.e. distance. It is a completely different physical concept from energy.

What is the Zeroth Dimension?

The zeroth dimension is a theoretical concept representing a single point in space, with no length, width, or height. It has no physical existence but is used as a starting point to define higher dimensions in mathematics and physics.

What is the magnitude of an object?

The magnitude of an object is the size or quantity of a physical property, such as its mass, length, or speed. It is a measure of the amount or intensity of the property being considered.