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Usually a circle but its properties can also be applied to spheres

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Q: Pi number can ONLY be used for which shape?
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What shape is Pi used in?

Pi can be used to find a circle, For the circumference-Pi x D, or for the radius Pi x r2

Is 0.16 pie a rational number?

(pi) itself is an irrational number. The only multiples of it that can be rational are (pi) x (a rational number/pi) .

What shape is this perimiter of 24 and the area is greater then 36?

The only shape that can do that is a circle.Circumference = 24.Diameter = 24/piRadius = 12/piArea = pi R2 = 144/pi = 45.837

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Pi is an irrational number, with an infinite number of nonrepeating digits. So pi is only approximately equal to 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693933751058209749445.

What professions pi used?

pi did not use any professions! It was merely a number.

Why we use pi in circular shape's formula?

Because the circumference of any circle divided by its diameter is equal to the value of pi which is an irrational number.

Why is pi considered an irrational number?

Because it is a non-repeating, non-terminating decimal. 22/7 is often used for pi, but it is only an approximation; there is no fraction that exactly equals pi. it goes on forever 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716.......

Who was the first to use pi as a number?

The ancient Babylonians used pi as a number approx 4000 years ago.

When was the symbol for Pi first used for Pi?

The first time the symbol Pi was first used for Pi was in ancient Greece in their numbers. The symbol "π" was number 80 in Greece.

How can pi be used?

Pi (3.141...) is used for circles, and circles only. You use it to find the area and circumfrence.

How many numbers is pi?

pi has no ending number so the mathematician used the three first number which is 3.14 to present for pi but it is not = 3.14, it is approximately (~ 3.14)