9 is the 100th of pi
The answer is 12.35 because the .35 is already rounded to the nearest 100th. The 3 is the 10th place, and the 5 is in the 100th place.
3 is in the hundreds place.
39/100=0.39 The one's place goes into the 100th place in the decimal.
9 is the 100th of pi
the 100th digit if Pi is 7.
Pi = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067...
lol random question...but the 100th digit of pi is 9
Counting the ' 3 ' before the decimal point, the 100th digit is ' 7 '.Beginning from the decimal point, the 100th digit is ' 9 '.
The answer is 12.35 because the .35 is already rounded to the nearest 100th. The 3 is the 10th place, and the 5 is in the 100th place.
3 is in the hundreds place.
solution for nth decimal place in pi value ---------------------------------------------------------------- int i=1,rem = 22%7,result=22/7; while(i<=n) { rem = rem*10; result = rem/7; rem = rem%7; i++; } printf("nth decimal%d",result); input: 15(means 15th decimal place in pi value)...