Convert 1/8" to decimal:numerator is top number - numerator is 1denominator is bottom number - denominator is 8divide the top number with the bottom number - 1/8 = 0.125
number 1 in a triangle with PETE wrote under it
The bottom half of a vulgar fraction, for example, 1/2 (one half), is called the denominator. The number denominates (designates) the number of parts in the whole.
It is 1.
A diamond problem is when there's a number on the top and bottom, the number on the top is the product and the number on the bottom is the sum. You must find two numbers that both have a sum of the number on the top and a product of the number on the bottom. For example, there's a 10 on top and 11 on the bottom, the answer would be 10 and 1, because 10 times 1 equals 10, and 10 plus 1 equals 11. Another example would be, 44 on top and -15 on bottom. The answers would be -11 and -4, because -11 and -4 have a product of 44, and have a sum of -15.
Always, with few exceptions
Always, with few exceptions
Convert 1/8" to decimal:numerator is top number - numerator is 1denominator is bottom number - denominator is 8divide the top number with the bottom number - 1/8 = 0.125
It is to designate Class 1 - Explosives (dynamite, black powder).
It depends on the time signature. If the bottom number is a 2, then it is ⅜ of a beat. If the bottom number is a 4, then it is ¾ of a beat. If the bottom number is an 8, then it is 1½ beats.
Health (blue) 0 Flammability (red) 1 Reactivity (yellow) 0
Multiply the bottom number by 2.
The bottom number in a time signature is the denominator of the fraction denoting the note value that gets the beat. So if the bottom number in the time signature is a four, imagine it's the bottom of a fraction with a numerator of 1. 1/4 is a quarter, so the quarter note gets the beat.
number 1 in a triangle with PETE wrote under it
The bottom number in a time signature is the denominator of the fraction denoting the note value that gets the beat. So if the bottom number in the time signature is a four, imagine it's the bottom of a fraction with a numerator of 1. 1/4 is a quarter, so the quarter note gets the beat.
example: 25/4= 6 1/4 divide the top number by the bottom number. however many times the bottom number goes into the top number that is your whole number (in the example it is the 6). take your whole number and multiply it by the bottom number and subtract that number from the top number from the original fraction (6x4=24, 25-24=1). the answer to that problem is the top number to your new problem.
The bottom half of a vulgar fraction, for example, 1/2 (one half), is called the denominator. The number denominates (designates) the number of parts in the whole.