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Q: Place the four forms of government used by Rome during her history in order. 1. first oligarchy 2. second dictatorship 3. third republic 4. fourth monarchy?
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Who rules Madagascar?

President Marc Ravalomanana is the Head of State. Prime Minister General Charles Rabemananjara is Head of Government. Madagascar is a Republic.

The three historical divisions of Roman history are?

the Roman Kingdom, the Roman Republic, and the Roman Empire. The Roman Kingdom lasted from 753 BC to 509 BC and was characterized by the rule of kings. The Roman Republic existed from 509 BC to 27 BC and was a period of representative government. The Roman Empire began in 27 BC and lasted until 476 AD, during which power was concentrated in the hands of emperors.

How many square miles is the Czech Republic?

Czech Republic - 30,450.32 square miles.

How did the roman government use denocracy?

During the republic, the Roman magistrates were all chosen by popular election. Citizens voted according to their tribal affiliations and according to their wealth status.During the republic, the Roman magistrates were all chosen by popular election. Citizens voted according to their tribal affiliations and according to their wealth status.During the republic, the Roman magistrates were all chosen by popular election. Citizens voted according to their tribal affiliations and according to their wealth status.During the republic, the Roman magistrates were all chosen by popular election. Citizens voted according to their tribal affiliations and according to their wealth status.During the republic, the Roman magistrates were all chosen by popular election. Citizens voted according to their tribal affiliations and according to their wealth status.During the republic, the Roman magistrates were all chosen by popular election. Citizens voted according to their tribal affiliations and according to their wealth status.During the republic, the Roman magistrates were all chosen by popular election. Citizens voted according to their tribal affiliations and according to their wealth status.During the republic, the Roman magistrates were all chosen by popular election. Citizens voted according to their tribal affiliations and according to their wealth status.During the republic, the Roman magistrates were all chosen by popular election. Citizens voted according to their tribal affiliations and according to their wealth status.

Which country is 221?

democratic republic of korea

Related questions

What are the main types of government?

Direct Democracy, Tribal Rule, Absolute Monarchy, Dictatorship, Oligarchy, Constitutional Monarchy and Representative Democracy.

Is Dominican Republic government a Democracy a Dictatorship or Monarchy?

It is a democracy.

What is a form of government?

Democracy, Monarchy, Dictatorship, Republic, the list is practically endless.

What are some forms of government around the world?

Different forms of governments around the world include dictatorship, totalitarian, theocracy, monarchy, parliamentary, republic, anarchy, capitalist, socialist, communist, oligarchy, and revolutionary. The USA has a republic form of government.

Is the Dominican Republic a dictatorship or oligarchy?

It is a Unitary presidential republic.

Which forms of government are in different countries?

democratic leadership, dictator leadership and etc. my answer is: Republic,Democracy,Parlimentarian,Dictatorship,Monarchy

What type of government does Burma have is it a government a democracy monarchy dictatorship republic etc?

coup d'etat or a military junta

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Ten types of government?

There are only 3 types of governments in the United States of America. Thus being: state government, tribal government, and federal government. The federal government has 3 branches under its government. Which is Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branch. But, all of those branches are still under the federal government. Thus being said 4 governments in America is clearly false.

5 different types of governments currently in power in the world?

There are many different types of government currently in power in the world including a constitutional democracy, an oligarchy democracy, a monarchy, a socialist government, and a theocracy. These are the five most common types of government.

What are 5 types of government?

Direct Democracy, Representative Democracy (Republic), Totalitarian Dictatorship, Monarchy, and a Theocracy (religious and political leader is the same person).

Which is the type of government in Tibet Democracy Monarchy or Dictatorship?

Tibet is an autonomous region of China. China is a socialist republic.