The place value of 7 in 367.361 is 7 ones or 7 units
The place value of the 7 in 37.665 is seven units.
The 7 is in the thousands place.
How do you get the value of 7 place 506,087
In the number 709, the digit 7 is in the tens place. Therefore, its value is 7 multiplied by 10, which equals 70. The digit 7 represents 70 in this number, as it is in the tens place.
0 tens
ten millions
It positional place value is 700 = seven hundred
The place value of 7 in 0708 is 70.
The place value of 7 in 367.361 is 7 ones or 7 units
0.07 7 is place value, which is 7 thousandths!! (:
43.567 the place value of 7 is thousandths
The place value of the 7 in 37.665 is seven units.