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Q: Plotter accuracy is measure in terms of repeatability and?
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What does accuracy mean in math terms?

It is a measure of how close the calculated value is to the true value.

What is concerned with the reproducibility of measurements?

The term repeatability is usd for an experiment realized by a single person.Reproductibility is used for an experiment realized by two or more persons.

What are the advantages of precision bearings?

Precision bearings, on the other hand, are highly accurate in terms of material quality, consistency of finish and diameter, and repeatability of tolerance levels.

Which resource is the most reliable in terms of the accuracy of the information it provides?

All of These.

Why measuring cylinder is more precise than pipette?

Precision describes the repeatability of results, i.e. whether you get the same answer each time you measure something. Used correctly, there is no reason why a measuring cylinder would be the more precise. The exception is if you are using an inappropriate size of pipette, as it's difficult to be precise near the bottom of its range. Too large a measuring cylinder could also be imprecise.

The accuracy of a poll is usually expressed in terms of?

The accuracy of a poll is usually expressed in terms of margin of error, which indicates the range within which the true value is expected to fall. It is typically reported as a percentage.

What is preipheral?

In computing terms - it's anything that's 'plugged in' to a computer port. That could be anything from a size A0 plotter (a huge printer) to a USB memory stick.

What resources are least reliable in terms of the accuracy of the information it provides?

A book from the library

How do you measure the area of a square in terms of square feet?

Measure its side in terms of feet. Multiply that measure by itself to give the area in square feet.

What does business critical mean?

Importance of the system/feature in terms of availability, accuracy and backup.

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