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Q: Positive and negative aspects of fashion designer?
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What are the positive aspects of a fashion model?

That the cloth draped on the figure represents the intent of the designer.

How do you say fashion designer in French?

Fashion designer is "designer de mode" in French.

What does a fashion designer have to do?

A fashion designer has to design clothes, bags, accessories, etc. To become a fashion designer you have to go to a fashion designing school. ---smiley

Difference between positive and negative correlation?

If the two variables increase together and decrease together AND in a linear fashion, the correlation is positive. If one increases when the other decreases, again, in a linear fashion, the correlation is negative.

Do you combine fashion designer and fashion merchandise?

you can a fashion merchandiser picks out the clothes and displays them a fashion designer makes them

Salary of fashion designer at Dubai?

fashion designer salary in dubai

What is the game id for imagine fashion designer?

imagine fashion designer.

What is the professional outlook on fashion designer?

What is the professional outlook on fashion designer?

Explain the role of a fashion designer in the fashion industry?

A fashion designer designs fashion. With out a fashion designer, there would be no fashion, no clothes. Basicly, they design an outfit that a company will maufacture or, the designer will compose the outfit they made. so that either the model can wear it, or every day people. and there is more than one kind of fashion designer.

Who was a fashion designer in the 1930s?

Muriel King was one fashion designer in the 30s

Business plan on fashion designer?

yes, business plan for fashion designer.

One year salary for a fashion designer?

what is the salary for a fashion designer a year?