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its a kidney stone

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Q: Possible tiny non-obstructing right mid renal calculus is noted?
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What is pyelolithiasis?

condition of a stone/calculus in renal pelvis

What is another way of describing renal calculi?

I'm not sure what you mean by "more medical". Renal means having to do with the kidneys, and calculus is Latin for "pebble". Renal calculi are, therefore, "kidney stones" ... but I don't see how that's "more medical."

What is renal calculus?

Renal calculus, more commonly known as a kidney stone, is a hard, crystalline mineral deposit that forms in the kidneys. These stones can vary in size and shape and can cause significant pain and discomfort when passing through the urinary tract. Treatment options include pain management, increased hydration, and possibly medical procedures to break up or remove the stones.

What is the scientific name for kidney stone?

The scientific name for kidney stones is nephrolithiasis.

What is another more medical term for renal calculi?

I'm not sure what you mean by "more medical". Renal means having to do with the kidneys, and calculus is Latin for "pebble". Renal calculi are, therefore, "kidney stones" ... but I don't see how that's "more medical."

Which calculus involves at least two calyces and renal pelvis and accounts for abiut 30 percent of stones reported?

Staghorn calculi

What is another term for nephrolithiasis?

removal of kidney stones or incision to remove a renal calculus

What procedure would be the BEST treatment for renal failure?

The best treatment for renal FAILURE would be to see a doctor as quickly as possible. Why? Death is fairly imminent.

What is the nursing management of patients with renal mass?

It is important for nurses to manage patients with renal mass. To do this, they need to monitor the tumors of their patients and provide them with as much comfort as possible.

What are the three main regions of the kidney in their correct sequence from outermost to innermost?

renal cortex > renal medulla > renal pelvis1.renal medulla>renal pelvis>renal cortex2.renal medulla>renal cortex>renal pelvis3.renal cortex>renal medulla>renal pelvis4.renal cortex>renal pelvis>renal medulla

What is the most common disease of the kidneys?

Diabetes is one of the main diseases that affects the kidneys the most. High blood pressure can also damage the kidneys and then there are specific diseases that only target the kidneys as well. Hyponatremia, Hypernatremia, Hypolsalemin, Hyperlsalimia, Hematuria, Proteinuria, chronic kidney disease., UTI, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis, renal failure, glomerulonephritis, and others.

Are renal pelvis and renal calculi the same?

The renal pelvis and renal calculi are not the same. The renal pelvis is a normal part of the body. Renal calculi are kidney stones and are not normal.