The chemical name for potash is potassium carbonate. It is an alkaline salt used in many African dishes. It has been shown to increase the protein content and mineral content of such foods. Too much can cause a toxic reaction.
makes soap
AnswerIt is potassium.kalium is the latin name for potash,(pot ashes) which is what potassium is named for.
95% of potash produced world wide is used as fertilizer. It improves root strength and disease resistance, as well as enhances taste, color and texture of food. The remaining 5% is used as feed for animals which aids in growth and milk production, and is also used in industrial products such as food products, pharmaceuticals, plastics, glass manufacturing, soaps and water softeners. The world's largest potash deposits are located in the province of Saskatchewan (sas-catch-you-won), in Canada.
The numbers of the fertiliser formula show the percentage of Nitrogen (N). Phosphorus (P) and Potash (K). There may also be a list of trace elements.
Mathematics in cooking can be used to calculate the proper amount of material or ingredients that are to be used in a recipe
potash is in bananas
a mineral that is put in fertilizer
advantages to mining potash
The word "potash" is derived from the element "potassium".
Arab Potash was created in 1956.
Julie Potash is 5' 4".
There are Potash mines in Utah. Potash deposts are also known in North Dakota, Montana and Michigan.
potash is found in p.a
James P Searls has written: 'Potash' -- subject(s): Potash industry and trade, Potash
Potash is not a non-metal; it is a compound that mainly consists of potassium salts. Potash is commonly used in fertilizers to provide essential nutrients for plant growth.
Russia is the largest producer of Potash in Europe.