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Q: Potential problems that rising inequality can create?
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What ion is the rising phase of the action potential?

Sodium ions are responsible for the rising phase of the action potential. This occurs when sodium channels open and sodium ions flow into the cell, causing depolarization.

What problems are ryanair facing?

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What does magma rising between separate plates create?

When magma rises between separate plates, it can create new land masses or volcanic islands. This process is known as seafloor spreading, where the magma hardens to form new crust as the plates move apart. It can also result in volcanic activity and the formation of underwater mountain ranges.

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Complications are the new factors added to the plot that give the main character new problems to deal with.

How can you create a account on hero rising?

You have to put your e-mail and your name.

What is the fast rising phase of the SA node action potential is due to?

The fast rising phase of the SA node action potential is due to the opening of voltage-gated calcium channels. This allows an influx of calcium ions into the cell, leading to depolarization and initiation of an action potential.

What kind of costs are associated with poor or ineffective business communications?

Poor or ineffective business communication can weaken decision making because of late, unreliable information; slow down problem solving by taking more time to understand problems and delaying time to create solutions; missing warnings of potential problems from rising business costs to critical safety issues; lower productivity, causing higher costs; weaker business relationships; less persuasive marketing messages; and less professional images for employers and companies.

Does rising air expand or contract?

Rising air expands as it moves to higher altitudes where there is lower atmospheric pressure. The expansion of the air causes it to cool, leading to the formation of clouds and potential precipitation.

Even with the rising stock market some people in had unemployment problems?

all of the answer are correct

What are two problems that have arisen due to Mexico City's rising population?

Poverty and pollution.

Does action potential involve the influx of negative ions to depolarize the membrane?

No. The negative ions stay within the cell (neuron).An action potential begins (rising phase) with an influx of sodium, a positive ion or cation. The rising phase ends (falling phase) with an efflux of positive ions (potassium). The membrane potential is stabilized again with the action of the ATP dependent sodium-potassium pump.

What are the two processes that stop an action potential from rising above 30 mV?

The two processes that prevent an action potential from rising above 30 mV are the opening of voltage-gated potassium channels, leading to potassium efflux, and the closing of voltage-gated sodium channels, preventing further sodium influx. These processes help return the membrane potential to its resting state.