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The probability of a sum of seven if you roll two dice is 6/36 or 1/6. There are 6 ways to roll a 7; (6,1) (5,2) (4,3) (3,4) (2,5) & (1,6) and 36 possible outcomes.

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Q: Probablity of seven rolling two dice?
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It is 4/11.

Why is probability of rolling two dice 36?

There are 36 possible outcomes of rolling two dice.

What is the expected value of rolling two dice?

The most probable result of rolling two dice is a sum of seven. The probability of rolling a seven is 1 in 6 or about 0.167.All of the other possible sums have decreasing probability, all the way down to 1 in 36 or about 0.0278 for a sum of two or a sum of 12.

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There are 9 odd sums that you can get from rolling two dice.

What is the chances of Rolling a 3 or 4 from two dice?

Assuming you are rolling a six-sided dice, it is 1/3 for one dice and 2/3 for two dice.

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Fair dice are dice that are not weighted on one side to make a particular number more probable than the others. The probablity of a four on one dice is 1/6. The probability of a four showing on either or both of two dice is 1/6 + 1/6 = 1/3 (Note this is different from rolling a total score of four with two dice which can be achieved with 1+3, 3+1 or 2+2 which is 3 out of 36 combinations or 3/36)

Probability of rolling doubles with two dice?

The probability of rolling doubles with two dice is 1 in 6, or about 0.167.

When rolling two dice what are the odds of rolling both even numbers?

The probability of rolling two even numbers on two standard dice is 0.52, or 0.25.

What is the probability of rolling a 4 or 5 on a six sided cube?

The chance of rolling a certain number on a dice is 1/6, so the chance of rolling a 4 OR 5is 2/6. But if you have two dice you have the most chance of rolling a seven (6/36 or 1/6)

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If you have two dice how many products appear?

There are 36 outcomes rolling two dice.