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Q: Process in which different individuals and units perform different tasks is?
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What relates to processes and applications that create new methods to solve problems perform tasks and manage communication?

Information Technology

What is departmentalization why is it required discuss any one form of departmentalization?

Departmentalization refers to dividing a given organization into different departments so as to perform specific tasks according to their specialization. Examples of departmentalization in an organization includes geographical, product and functional.

What is the smallest lexically and syntactically correct robot program?

Robot software is the coded commands that tell a mechanical device (known as a robot) what tasks to perform and control its actions. Robot software is used to perform tasks and automate tasks to be performed. Programming robots is a non-trivial task. Most robot programs have a similar structure. It consists of 4 major parts. Declarations and Variables Subroutines and Functions Initialization The Main Loop The smallest lexically and syntactically correct robot program is called Karell ++

Explain why man is a thinking machine?

well man is the most intelligent animal on this planet.he can feel and perform his tasks well . he is a machine in this competitive world . the Darwin theory "survival of the fittest " makes him perform his best .he tries his best .he is a machin ... an intelligent machin which governs other machines

What does the term division of labor mean?

Division of labor is the division of tasks, roles and duties between people trying to accomplish a certain task. Division of labor became an important element of society during the Industrial Revolution, when factory work changed the way in which people worked together to create products. This method of labor was supported by famous economists like Adam Smith and mechanical engineers such as Charles Babbage.

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Cellular differentiation is the process by which cells in an organism become specialized to perform different functions. This specialization allows for the different cell types to work together in a coordinated manner to carry out specific biological processes.

What is it called when different people perform different jobs?

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What distinguishes disabled individuals from qualified individuals with a disability?

The necessary skill, education, and/or experience required for a position, and the ability to perform the essential tasks of a position

What distinguish disabled individuals from qualified individuals with a disability?

The necessary skill, education, and/or experience required for a position, and the ability to perform the essential tasks of a position

What characteristics distinguish individuals from qualified individuals with a disability?

The necessary skill, education, and/or experience required for a position, and the ability to perform the essential tasks of a position