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Try this

input "z =?";x,y

print "z=";x;"+";y;"i"

input "w =?";u,v

print "w=";u;"+";v;"i"

print "z+w = ";x+u;"+";y+v;"i"

print "z*w = ";x*u-y*v;"+";x*v+y*u;"i"

example output:

z=? 1,2

w=? 2,3

z+w = 3+5i

z*w = -4+7i

Note that it is possible to input negative imaginary parts. To display the sum and product correctly in that case, you need to make an intermediate step in the program which assigns the imaginary part to a separate variable, decide whether or not the imaginary part is negative, and then print a "+" if it is positive or no sign when it is negative (printing a negative number will automatically print the negative sign).

Of course, you need to modify the program to your computer language.

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