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Q: Provide an example of a situation in which a native method is useful?
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In object-oriented languages, a class member function is also known as a method. C does not provide native support for the object-oriented paradigm and therefore does not support methods.

What was the farming method used by native Americans?

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native is a key word used in java method. there is no variable as native in java

Native method in java?

The native modifier indicates that a method is implemented in platform-dependent code (Not Java Of Course), but often in C. The native keyword can be applied only to methods-not classes, not variables, just methods. Note that a native method's body must be a semicolon (;) (like abstract methods), indicating that the implementation is omitted

What is meant by native method in java?

The Java native method is a great way to gain and merge the power of C or C++ programming into Java. To use Java as a scientific and high performance language, when efficient native Java compilers are not fully implemented, use native method can boost the performance to at least the speed of C compiled code.

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In trade network what did the native Americans provide?


What did native Americans provide in the trade network?


In the trade network what did the Native Americans provide?
