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String Guess

Num Score

String PROMPT1 "Computer thinks of an animal, what is it"

String PROMPT2 "No! It has four legs"

String PROMPT3 "No! It has Fur"

String PROMPT4 "No! It likes fish"

String PROMPT5 "No! It lives in the north"

String PROMPT6 "No! It is white"

String PROMPT7 "No! Answer is (Animal)"

String PROMPT8 "Would you like to play again"

Animal = Polar Bear

String Answer = "yes", "no"

While PlayAgain = yes

Output PROMPT1

Input Guess

If Guess=Animal



Output PROMPT2

Input Guess

If Guess = Animal



Output PROMPT3

Input Guess

If Guess = Animal



Output PROMPT3

Input Guess

If Guess = Animal



Output PROMPT4

Input Guess

If Guess = Animal



Output PROMPT5

Input Guess

If Guess = Animal



Output PROMPT6

Input Guess

If Guess = Animal



Output PROMPT7

End If

End If

End If

End If

End If

End If

End If

Output PROMPT8

Input Answer




Score = Score+1


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Q: Pseudo codes and a flowchart for Animal Guessing Game in C plus plus?
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there are no animal codes or "key" codes if you are talking about animal jam

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we have no disadvantages by pseudo-codes. in fact these help the programmers to increase the efficiency in programming.

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Nothing there are no codes for animal jam furniture srry!

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Yes There Are Animal Jam Codes For diamonds I Don't Know The Codes But There At GameStop

What are some animal jam code for pets?

Sorry, but there are no animal jam codes that unlock pets. There are, however codes to unlock gems, and a green gecko plushie. For all working codes search, " What are some animal jam codes" Popcorn282 on AJ

Where do you get codes on Animal Jam?

you will get a mail or go just type on google -codes to animal jam

Who do you say codes to on Animal Crossing City Folk?

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