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Q: Pulling off the roadway to pass on the right is legal true or false?
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A right turn should be from the right lane into the right lane of the roadway entered. True or false.?


When stopped at a light on a single lane roadway can you pull up along side and pass on the right?

No, It is not legal to pass on the right

If you are investigated by child protective services and it is false do you have a legal right to find out who slandered you?


Is it legal to use a false social security to rent a home?

Keyword in your question "false social security" should immediately tell you the right answers, which is "NO!" Using a false SSN is illegal - always has been, and always will be.

What action is required by the yield sign with regard to traffic laws in Texas?

A yield sign is used when a lane of traffic is entering another roadway but is not required to make a complete stop. It is most commonly used when a roadway is coming to an intersection with another roadway and there is a specific right turn lane which bypasses the actual intersection. Placed there will be a yield sign. The duty of the driver facing a yield sign is to yield the right of way to all traffic on the roadway in which they want to enter. It is illegal to enter that roadway unless it can be done safely.

Does the state have the right to put cameras on the hwy?

Yes, There is no reasonable expectation of privacy on a public roadway.

What are the problems that can be encountered for the child whose right it is to be born?

There is no child with that right. Legal rights do not enure until a child is born. There is no legal right to be born.There is no child with that right. Legal rights do not enure until a child is born. There is no legal right to be born.There is no child with that right. Legal rights do not enure until a child is born. There is no legal right to be born.There is no child with that right. Legal rights do not enure until a child is born. There is no legal right to be born.

True or false right triangles are similar?


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When parallel parking the driver must park with the vehicle's right hand wheels how far from the right hand curb or edge of roadway?

18 inches

Who is at fault in a collision between a car on the roadway reversing and one exiting a parking lot?

In Kentucky, the vehicle on the main roadway has the right-of-way, regardless of direction. The person exiting the parking lot, must yield to traffic!

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