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Q: Put your 9 dots and only 4 lines?
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How do you make 10 dots on 5 lines with only 4 dots?

a star drawn with five lines will give you 10 dots on 5 lines with only 4 dots on each line. (or) simply draw a pentagon and put a cap ( a inverted 'V') on all sides.

How do you join 9 3x3 dots and only use 1 straight line?

It is not possible. Several (4) straight lines without lifting your pen is possible but 1 line is not.

How do you put sixteen dots in 4 rows of 5?

Make them into a square. If you were to make the lines all go the same way, you would need 20 dots to make four rows of five, but if you put them in a square shape, the dots in the corners occur in two lines (ones going across and ones going down), like this: O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Four rows of five!

How do you connect 4 by 4 spots without lifting up your pencil?

Go outside the box. The 45 degree angles pick up the dots below the corners, but you have to extend the other lines beyond the figure formed by the dots.

If you had 9 dots how would you connect then all with 4 lines?

Put the dots in a general square outline. But make one side have 4 dots and the others have 3. Then go around the outline of the square.

How do you connect 12 dots with 5 straight lines without lifting pencil?

Here are the 12 dots, labeled so we can talk about them:[1] - [ 2 ] - [ 3 ] - [ 4 ] -[5] - [ 6 ] - [ 7 ] - [ 8 ] -[9] - [10] - [11] - [12] --- Put your pencil down on #9, and don't pick it up until you're finished.-- Draw line-1 up through #5 and #1, and keep going up for a ways,just far enough so you can do the next step with a straight line.-- Draw line-2 slanting down through #2, #7, and #12.-- Draw line-3 straight to the left, through #11, #10, and back to #9.-- Draw line-4 slanting up, through #6 and #3, and keep going fora ways, until you're exactly straight up above #4.-- Draw line-5 straight down, through #4 and #8 .It all depends on the arrangement of the dots.Besides, there is nothing about straight lines, so used curved lines insteaddistribute the 12 dots around the perimeter of a pentagonSince you didn't specify the lines have to be the same length... Arrange the dots in a grid as follows :-OOOOOOOOOOOOThen - starting at he top left corner, draw a 'square spiral' (doesn't matter whether you go clockwise or anti--clockwise) - this will cover ALL the dots AND use only five lines !See Related Link below for a graphic.It all depends on the arrangement of the dots.Besides, there is nothing about straight lines, so used curved lines instead

How would you Connect 16 dots with 4 lines starting top left ending bottom right?


Why does an ellipsis have only 3 dots?

because 3 is enough 4 would be too much

What is border in MS Word?

A border is a heavy line that can be put around text or tables. It can be like a box or can have less than 4 lines. It can be put on any side of text.A border is a heavy line that can be put around text or tables. It can be like a box or can have less than 4 lines. It can be put on any side of text.A border is a heavy line that can be put around text or tables. It can be like a box or can have less than 4 lines. It can be put on any side of text.A border is a heavy line that can be put around text or tables. It can be like a box or can have less than 4 lines. It can be put on any side of text.A border is a heavy line that can be put around text or tables. It can be like a box or can have less than 4 lines. It can be put on any side of text.A border is a heavy line that can be put around text or tables. It can be like a box or can have less than 4 lines. It can be put on any side of text.A border is a heavy line that can be put around text or tables. It can be like a box or can have less than 4 lines. It can be put on any side of text.A border is a heavy line that can be put around text or tables. It can be like a box or can have less than 4 lines. It can be put on any side of text.A border is a heavy line that can be put around text or tables. It can be like a box or can have less than 4 lines. It can be put on any side of text.A border is a heavy line that can be put around text or tables. It can be like a box or can have less than 4 lines. It can be put on any side of text.A border is a heavy line that can be put around text or tables. It can be like a box or can have less than 4 lines. It can be put on any side of text.

How do you find the Pokemon with the 6 dots?

There is no 1 Pokemon with 6 dots, there are 4, but there are only 3 in ruby Sapphire and emerald. The 3 are called, Regice, Regirock, and Registeel.

How many numbers in net work code?

4 numbers between 0 and 255, with the 4 numbers being separated by dots.4 numbers between 0 and 255, with the 4 numbers being separated by dots.4 numbers between 0 and 255, with the 4 numbers being separated by dots.4 numbers between 0 and 255, with the 4 numbers being separated by dots.4 numbers between 0 and 255, with the 4 numbers being separated by dots.4 numbers between 0 and 255, with the 4 numbers being separated by dots.4 numbers between 0 and 255, with the 4 numbers being separated by dots.4 numbers between 0 and 255, with the 4 numbers being separated by dots.4 numbers between 0 and 255, with the 4 numbers being separated by dots.4 numbers between 0 and 255, with the 4 numbers being separated by dots.4 numbers between 0 and 255, with the 4 numbers being separated by dots.

Can you please help me with connecting 9 dots with 4 strait lines?

If this is the one where the dots are in a square 3 x 3, and every dot must be connected by a straight line to every other dot, I do not think it can be done.