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Range of 8 bit signed number is -128 to 127

Reference: digital fundamentals by Floyd

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Q: Range of signed numbers that can be stored in an 8 bit register?
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The range for signed numbers is -128 to +127. The range for signed numbers is 0 to 255.

What is the range of signed integer that may be stored in 20 bits?

From -524287 to 524288

What is the signed integer range?

The signed integer range extends only from negative infinity to positive infinity. You have to make up your own names and symbols for whole numbers that are not included in that range.

What is the maximum range of numbers that can be stored in a 12bit word?

2^12 = 4095 is the maximum range of 12bit word

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if it is a signed int the the range is -32768 to 32767if its unsigned then 0 to 65535

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Using 4 bits the signed range of numbers is -8 to 7. When working with signed numbers one bit is the sign bit, thus with 4 bits this leaves 3 bits for the value. With 3 bits there are 8 possible values, which when using 2s complement have ranges: for non-negative numbers these are 0 to 7; for negative numbers these are -1 to -8. Thus the range for signed 4 bit numbers is -8 to 7.

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A 32 binary number is a number stored by a computer in 32 bits. it can represent: 1) An unsigned number in the range 0 to 4,294,967,295 2) A signed number in the range -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 3) A single precision IEEE floating point number with 1 sign bit, 8 exponent bits and 23 mantissa bits give an accuracy of about 7.2 decimal digits and a range of ± 10^-38 to 10^38

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A signed 16 bit number can represent the decimal numbers -32768 to 32767.

A specific area within the range of a voice or instrument such as high middle or low is called what?

A specific area within the range of a voice or instrument is called a "register." Each register represents a specific range of pitches within the overall range of the voice or instrument.

What is the range of numbers that can be represented using 7-bit signed binary number?

range iS given by -{2^(k-1) - 1 } to +{2^(k-1)-1} So putting k=7 range i from -63 to +63