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Q: Raul is making a scale model of an airplane that has a wingspan of 44 feet. If Raul's scale model is 116116 the size of the actual airplane what is the wingspan of his model?
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Is there a Bible verse about making a difference?

Jude 1:22 KJV "And of some have compassion, making a difference." The idea is that you make a difference by caring for others. There are many Bible examples but that's the clearest actual verse that comes to mind.Experience: I'm a pastor.

What is the best hand plane shape?

To answer that, I'd have to know what the heck you're talking about. Do you mean making your hand into an airplane shape? using a non-mechanical plane (wood-shaping tool) to make "the best shape", whatever that would be? something in geometry? As put, this question is totally meaningless.

What is an antonym for each word from the choices given A judicious B ostensible C fortuitous 1 irrational 2 actual 3 unlucky?

irrational - The antonym for "judicious" would be "irrational," meaning lacking reason or logic in decision-making. actual - The antonym for "ostensible" would be "actual," meaning real or genuine rather than appearing or stated. unlucky - The antonym for "fortuitous" would be "unlucky," meaning unfortunate or having bad luck.

What are 10 reasons the airplane affected the world more than any other invention?

i would think such inventions as the computer and gunpowder changed the world more than airplanes even though the airplane has changed the world a lot so i think a better question is how did the airplane change the world... 1) bush planes opened up frontier areas such as Alaska, Canada, siberia, Mongolia etc that even today are so remote the airplane is only good way to get in or out of 2) made the world "smaller" by making it possible to get anywhere in the world easily within a day or two 3) in war made it possible to attack farther, faster, carry large munitions effeciently and accurately a long distance with less risk and less manpower than ever before - to have a military presence anywhere in the world quickly 4) made emergency rescue and transport better in some difficult situations or where speed is essential - has save a lot of lives 5)made it possible to transport object faster from distance land

What is the actual meaning of arrogant?

Making, or having the disposition to make, exorbitant claims of rank or estimation; giving one's self an undue degree of importance; assuming; haughty; -- applied to persons., Containing arrogance; marked with arrogance; proceeding from undue claims or self-importance; -- applied to things; as, arrogant pretensions or behavior.

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Rual is making a scale model of an airplane that has a wingspan of 44 feet. If Rual's scale model is 1 16 the size of the actual airplane what is the wingspan of his model?

33 inches

How did the wright brothers make history?

By making the first airplane model and the actual airplane.

When did the wright brothers start making the airplane?

They made the airplane December 12 1897

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The elevator section of an airplane is located in the aft of the airplane, or on the little wings in the back section of the airplane. The elevators move the airplane on its vertical axis, thereby making the airplane climb or descend.

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The wingspan of a wandering albatross can reach up to 3.5 meters (11.5 feet), making it one of the largest wingspans of any bird in the world. This impressive wingspan allows them to glide effortlessly over long distances without flapping their wings frequently.

Element used in the making of supersonic airplane wings?

The element that is used in the making of supersonic airplane wings is titanium. Titanium is a chemical element with the symbol Ti and the atomic number 22.

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The wingspan of an atlas moth can range from around 10 to 12 inches, making it one of the largest moths in the world. The females tend to have larger wingspans compared to the males.

How do you describe your little brother made a homework airplane?

The question is not clear - are you asking how to describe the process of making the airplane or how to say that he made it?

What was the wright brothers intention of making an airplane?

To achieve powered flight.

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69 times

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