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Q: Real-world objects taken from trash heaps and used in art are called?
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The number of permutations of n objects taken all together is n!.

Why did humans go to the moon?

Humans now have an insatiable urge to know; the lust for knowledge. Heaps of scientific data was collected on the journey to, around, and back from the Moon, as well as physical objects taken from the surface to study on Earth. Knowing the makeup of the moon's surface materials helps us determine its true origin.

What is a grouping of k objects taken from a set of n elements?

A combination, of k objects from n.

A is a grouping of k objects taken from a set of n elements?


Why are strange objects in the sky called flying saucers?

The first report where "saucer" was mentioned was that of Kenneth Arnold, who described a non-circular craft but said that they flew the way a "saucer skipped across water".This was taken out context by subsequent newspaper reports and applied to the shape of the craft themselves.

The type of space taken up by the primary objects in an artwork?

Positive space

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How many different ways can we arrange 9 objects taken 3 at a time?

What is it called when particles are taken into a wall?

When particles are taken into a wall, it is called particle concentration.

A grouping of k objects taken from a set of n elements is a?

A grouping of k objects taken from a set of n elements is a combination. It represents the number of ways to choose k items from a pool of n without regard to the order of selection.

How have humans changed the natural environment around Coober Pedy?

The natural environment around Coober Pedy has taken on an eerie moonscape-like appearance. This is a result of the mullock heaps formed by the opal diggings.

What is the time taken for a oscillation called?

The time taken for one complete oscillation is called the period. It is typically measured in seconds.