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The height of adult males in your nearest town.

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Q: Real life example of normal distribution?
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What does it mean to have a normal distribution of data?

The Normal or Gaussian distribution is a probability distribution which depends on two parameters: the mean and the variance (or standard deviation). In may real life situations measurements are found to be approximately normal. Furthermore, even if the underlying distribution of a variable is not normal, the mean of a number of repeated observations of the variable will approximate the normal distribution.The term "approximate" is important because, although the heights of adult males (for example) appear to be normally distributed, the true normal distribution must allow negative heights whereas that is not physically possible!

What is a real-life example of a normal curve called a bell curve?

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What is a real life example?

Real life is a real life example!

What is the purpose of doing the z-score?

The Normal distribution is frequntly encountered in real life. Often a matter of interest is how likely it is that the random variable (RV) being studied takes a value that it did or one that is more extreme. This requires a comparison of the observed value of the RV with its Normal distribution. Unfortunately, the general Normal distribution is extremely difficult to calculate. The Normal distribution is defined by two parameters: the mean and the variance (or standard deviation). It is impossible to tabulate the distribution of every possible combination of two parameters - both of which are continuous real numbers. However, using Z score reduces the problem to that of tabulating only one the Normal distribution: the N(0, 1) or standard Normal distribution. This allows the analysis of an RV with any Normal distribution.

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a Television is a real life example of a Cube A dice is a real life example of a cube

What is the principle behind the Z score table?

The z-score table is the cumulative distribution for the Standard Normal Distribution. In real life very many random variables can be modelled, at least approximately, by the Normal (or Gaussian) distribution. It will have its own mean and variance but the Z transform converts it into a standard Normal distribution (mean = 0, variance = 1). The Z-distribution is then used to make statistical inferences about the data. However, there is no simple analytical method to calculate the values of the distribution function. So, it has been done and tabulated for easy reference.

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a real life example of an octagon is a stop sign.

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A real life example of a cliff are the white cliffs of Dover.

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A real life example is the chloroplasts found in plant cells.

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Example of normal distribution?

Male and female blood pressure, IQ, SAT and other test scores, life of a light bulb, weight and height, shoe sizes... Hope this helps!

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