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To help move the blood back toward the heart

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Q: Reason for elevating the legs when are swelling from acute Brochitis?
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What are the symptoms of acute renal failure?

The symptoms of acute renal failure include weight loss, vomiting, nausea, more frequent urination, blood in the urine, itching, swelling of legs, swelling of ankles. There are several other symptoms as well.

Why would strep throat cause urine in blood and swelling of the face and hands?

This can lead to acute glomerulonephritis in some patients.

An acute allergic response can lead to?

An acute allergic response can lead to symptoms such as hives, swelling, difficulty breathing, and in severe cases, anaphylaxis which is a life-threatening emergency. It is important to seek immediate medical attention if experiencing these symptoms.

How do you deal with acute swelling of knee with arthritis?

swelling around joints with arthritis is usually dealt with with anti inflammatory's Either steroidal or preferably non steroidal. In the case of inflammatory types of arthritis disease modifying drugs may also be used

What is the function of the vascular phasein the acute inflammatory process:?

Vasodilation of the small blood vessels at the site of leaking into tissue spaces and causes swelling and pain

What is the functionof the vascular phase in the acute inflammatory process:?

Vasodilation of the small blood vessels at the site of leaking into tissue spaces and causes swelling and pain

What is Acute pancreases?

Acute pancreatitis is swelling (inflammation) of the pancreas. The pancreas is a gland located behind the stomach. It releases digestive enzymes and the hormones insulin and glucagon.

Can E. coli cause you to get appendicitis?

Yes, because infection could cause swelling of lymph nodes and cause appendix obstruction which ultimately lead to acute appendicitis

35yrs Acute kidney failer has any chance to become a father?

If the person survives there is no obvious reason related to acute kidney failure (which is often reversible) that he should not be able to father children.

What is acute nephritis?

Acute nephritis is the sudden inflammation of the kidneys, often caused by an infection or autoimmune response. Common symptoms include blood in the urine, swelling in the legs or face, and high blood pressure. Treatment may involve medications to reduce inflammation and manage symptoms.

Is acute Appendicitis the same as Appendicitis?

Appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix. The term Acute or Chronic refers to the amount of time the condition has been occurring. Acute conditions last for less then 6 months where as Chronic conditions last for 6 months or longer. So to answer your question, yes they are the same, however saying "acute appendicitis" is a more specific term and would refer to appendicitis lasting less then 6 months. In almost all cases appendicitis is acute as the infection, inflammation and swelling of the tissue is a medical emergency in which the appendix must be removed before it bursts.

What are acute injuries?

Acute injuries, such as a sprained ankle, strained back, or fractured hand, occur suddenly during activity. Signs of an acute injury include: * sudden, severe pain * swelling * inability to place weight on a lower limb * extreme tenderness in an upper limb * inability to move a joint through full range of motion * extreme limb weakness * visible dislocation / break of a bone