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Because they are stupid

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Q: Reasons for high birth rates and death rates in LEDC's?
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Why are birth rates higher than death rates in INDIA?

culture and belief in having a son is better than having daughters are reasons for high birth rate. good health care service and technology are reasons for low death rate.

How birth rates and death rates influence the size of a population?

If birth rates exceed death rates, the population increases proportionally. If death rates exceed birth rates, the population decreases.

Why death rates tend to fall before birth rates?

Birth rates rise as death rates fall?

What are Canada's birth and death rates?

Canada's birth/death rates per 1000 are: birth: 10.12 death: 10.8

What is the tendency is a population to shift from high birth rates and death rates to low birth and death rates called?

Demographic transition

The tendency of a population to shift from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates is called a an?

The tendency of a population to shift from high birth and death rates is called a demographic transition.

How can birth rates be decreased in LEDCs?

There are several approaches to decrease birth rates in LEDCs. The most effective methods include improving access to education, especially for girls, as educated women tend to have fewer children. Providing access to contraceptives and family planning services is also vital. Promoting women's empowerment, increasing economic opportunities, and raising awareness about the benefits of smaller families through public campaigns can further contribute to reducing birth rates in LEDCs.

Which is the proper sequence of steps in the demographic transition model?

The proper sequence in the demographic transition model is: Stage 1 - high birth and death rates, Stage 2 - high birth rates and declining death rates, Stage 3 - declining birth rates and low death rates, Stage 4 - low birth and death rates, and some scholars also recognize a Stage 5 with very low birth and death rates.

What is the tendency of a population to shift from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates called?

Demographic transition

What is the birth and death rates in England?

birth:10.08 death rate:10.34

Birth rates and death rates are factors of a population study.?

Yes. Birth rates and death rates are factors of a population study. True. Easier for people to understand than yes.

What are the causes of the high birth rates in Ireland?

reasons for high birth rates due to lack off food