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yea there the same i think the is 20 nickels in $1 so divide 350 by 20 and u get 17 so yea is the same

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Q: Rebecca has 17 one dollar bills Courtney has 350 nickels do the girls have the same amount of money?
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How many nickels for a dollar?

20 nickels is a dollar.

What is ratio to nickels to quarters in a dollar?

A dollar is 100 cents, a quarter is 25 cents, and a nickel is 5 cents. Thus a dollar is composed of 4 (100/25) quarters, or 20 (100/5) nickels. Therefore there are 5 times as many nickels in a dollar as there are quarters. Another way to look at it is to say that there are 5 nickels in a quarter, so there are 5 times as many nickels as quarters in any amount.

How many is 1500 nickels in dollar amount?

A nickel is a coin worth 5 cents, there are 100 cents in one dollar. Therefore 1500 nickels is equal to 150 dollars.

How many cents in nickels make a dollar?

20 nickels make a dollar.

Seven nickels is what decimal part of a dollar?

Seven nickels is 35 cents. A dollar is 100 cents, so the nickels are 35/100, or 0.35 of a dollar.

How many nickels are in a dollar as a fraction?

There are 20 nickels in a dollar, so one nickel is 1/20 of a dollar.

How many nickels make 1 dollar?

20 nickels

How many nickels are there in dollars?

None, since there is no such thing as a nickil. However, there are 20 nickels in a US dollar.

8 nickels is what fraction of a dollar?

There are 20 nickels in a dollar, so 8/20= 2/5 of a dollar.

What is the number of nickels in a half dollar and a dime?

12 - a half dollar is 50 cents, or 10 nickels; a dime is 10 cents, or 2 nickels.

How many dollars are in six hundred nickels?

There are 600 nickels, and since a nickel is worth 5 cents, you have 600 * 5 cents = 3000 cents. To convert this to dollars, divide by 100 (since there are 100 cents in a dollar), which gives you $30.

How many nickels make a half dollar?

A nickel is 5 cents and a half dollar is 50 cents, so 10 nickels make a half dollar.