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According to Shannon's Channel Capacity Equation:

R = W*log2(1 + C/N) = W*log2(1+ SNR)


R = Maximum Data rate (symbol rate)

W = Bw = Nyquist Bandwidth = samples/sec = 1/Ts

C = Carrier Power

N = Total Noise Power

SNR = Signal to Noise Ratio

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Q: Relation between channel capacity and bandwidth?
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What is the relation between the bandwidth and symbol rate?

the channel capacity (information in bits per second) is related to bandwidth and SNR by the relation C= B[log(1+SNR) b/s log is at the base 2 B= bandwidth of a channel C= capacity in bits per second SNR= signal to noise ratio.

What are key factors that can affect channel capacity?

Channel capacity - It is the rate at which the data can be transmitted over a given path, or channel, under the given conditions. Key factors affecting the channel capacity are- Data rate- speed of data transmission measured in bits per second. Bandwidth – Maximum. Bandwidth, noise, and error rate.

What is the difference between the channel spacing and the transmission bandwidth?

Bandwidth is the measure of range or band of frequencies that a channel or path can handle at a maximum rate. whereas, throughput is the average rate of successful message delivery over a communication channel. and Goodput is simply the changing in throughput rate.

What is the difference between transmission bandwidth and channel bandwidth?

The transmission bandwidth refers to the range of frequencies that are being transmitted from one point to another. The channel bandwidth on the other hand refers to the frequencies of a given channel.

A communication channel with additive white gaussian noise has a bandwidth of 4kHz and SNR of 31dB. Its channel capacity is?


Difference between channel and bandwidth?

a channel is actually a path through which a signal of a particular frequency travels and bandwidth is the capacity of that path it tells about the number or range of frequencies which a path can carry

What key features affect the channel capacity?

Key features that affect channel capacity include bandwidth, signal-to-noise ratio, and modulation technique. A wider bandwidth allows for more data to be transmitted, while a high signal-to-noise ratio enables better accuracy in data transmission. The modulation technique used can also impact channel capacity by determining how efficiently the available bandwidth is utilized.

What is nyquist Channel capacity formula?

C = 2*B*log2(M) where C --> capacity B --> bandwidth M --> # of discrete signals

What is the theoretical maximum channel capacity of traditional telephone lines?

C = B * log2(1 + SNR) C= channel capacity B= Bandwidth , telephone lines have a usable range of around 3400Hz = =

Noisy and Noiseless channels in Data Communication?

A. Noisy Channel: Defines theoretical maximum bit rate for Noisy Channel: Capacity=Bandwidth X log2(1+SNR) Noiseless Channel: Defines theoretical maximum bit rate for Noiseless Channel: Bit Rate=2 X Bandwidth X log2L

What is the effect of reducing the channel bandwidth?

I'm afraid you will need to specify on what exactly are you referring to. We could be talking about a radio channel bandwidth, a computer data transfer channel bandwidth or even a radio communications channel bandwidth. It is difficult to tell with the narrow question you posed.

How is the channel used in the digital communucation system?

The channel used in a digital communication system is used to convey an information signal. A channel has certain capacity for putting in information that is measured by bandwidth in Hz or data rate.