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the Birth Rate is the rate of birth in a population, the death rate is the number of deaths in a population and the growth rate is the growing numbers of the population.

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Q: Relationship between birth rate death rate and growth rate?
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Related questions

What is the period between birth and death?

The period between birth and death is: lifetime.

What is the factor that controls the growth of a population?

the fitest survive

Is the time from birth to death called growth?


What is the model of population growth that states the growth rate remains constant because birth and death rates are equal?

The model of population growth that states the growth rate remains constant because birth and death rates are equal is called zero population growth or ZPG. In this scenario, the population size does not increase or decrease over time due to the balance between births and deaths.

How Long Does A Birth Relationship Last?

forever.......till death

How is birth rate death rate and growth rate related?

There are more people who are born then die.

When calculating global population growth the death rate is?

death rate is subtracted from birth rate.

What are the major causes of pulation growth?

birth death migration/emigration

What is it called when the death rate and birth rate are the same?

Zero growth

Calculate the growth rate of a population. (class notes)?

birth rate - death rate = growth rate

What are the stages called that organism goes through from birth to death?

The stages that organisms typically go through from birth to death are: birth, growth, reproduction, and death. These stages are part of the life cycle of an organism.

What are the main reasons for the change in growth rate?

-If the death rate is greater than the birth rate, the growth rate decreases -If the birth rate is greater than the death rate, the growth rate increases -If there are good resources like medicine, good food suply and water, the death rate will decrease.