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Q: Reproduction and distribution requirements should be determined in accordance with what procedures?
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What is Theoretical Probabilty?

In theoretical probability, the probability is determined by an assumed model (for example, the normal distribution). (compare with empirical probability)

How do you obtain moment generating function Log-normal distribution?

You cannot because it does not exist.Although all the moments of the lognormal distribution do exist, the distribution is not uniquely determined by its moments. One of the consequences of this is that the expected values E[e^tX] does not converge for any positive t.

What is the meaning of normal distribution with examples?

According to the Central Limit Theorem, if you take measurements for some variable from repeated samples from any population, the mean values have a probability distribution which is known as the Gaussian distribution. Because of the fact that it is found often it is also called the Normal distribution. It is a symmetric distribution which is fully determined by two parameters: the mean and variance (or standard deviation). It is also sometimes referred to as the bell curve although I have yet to see a bell that stretches out at its bottom towards infinity!The normal distribution can be used for the heights or masses of people, for examination scores.

What are the advantages of parametric tests?

The advantages of parametric tests include labeling individual distributions within a particular family. Each normal distribution is uniquely determined by its mean and standard deviation.

How is the expected outcome determined in a discrete distribution?

If X is a discrete variable then E(X) is the sum of x*Prob(X = x) where the summation is over all possible values of x.

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The mean of a binomial probability distribution can be determined by multiplying the sample size times the probability of success.

What can be determined using theoretical probability?

The probability distribution function.

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In a capital-istic economic system, distribution is often determined by wealth. If two people have the same wants, the person who can most afford something will be able to acquire it.

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Distribution under socialism is primarily determined by?

The ability of each individual to produce.

Major global trend in distribution?

E-commerce is a major trend effecting distribution. As companies are determined to accommodate online business the facilities are expanding .

Who determined how traits are passed on during reproduction?

Gregor Mendel, an Austrian monk and scientist, is credited with determining how traits are passed on during reproduction. Through his experiments with pea plants in the mid-19th century, Mendel discovered the basic principles of inheritance, which formed the foundation of modern genetics.

In a market economy the distribution of output will be determined primarily by?

the quantities and prices of the resources that households supply.

What is Hypothesis Testing of Goodness-of-Fit?

A test using relative errors comparing a frequency table to the expected counts determined using a given probability distribution; the null hypothesis is that the given probability distribution fits the data's distribution.

Risk is determined from the analysis of available safeguards for IS assets security requirements threats and vulnerabilities?
