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Q: Research participants who experience the independent variable are part of the group whereas participants who are not exposed to the independent variable constitute the group.?
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The American Psychological Association and British Psychological Society have developed ethical principles urging investigators to?

adhere to ethical standards in research involving human participants, such as obtaining informed consent, protecting privacy and confidentiality, avoiding harm, and ensuring participants have the right to withdraw at any time. These principles aim to safeguard the well-being and rights of study participants while upholding the integrity and credibility of psychological research.

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What minimizes the risk of harm by telling research participants about what to expect before they participate in research?

ethical research

Do research participants have to sign consent forms?


What is the difference between participant selection and participant allocation?

Participant Selection:The process of selecting participants for research (also called sampling). The participants who are selected are used in the research are said to form the sample.Participant Allocation:After participants have been selected, they have to be allocated, or assigned to a group that may be used in the research study.

If participants in the experimental group of a drug treatment study are much younger than participants in the control group the age of the research participants is aNo?

Confounding variable.

What is independent variable in a research?

An independent variable does not change. It is independent of everything else In research, there needs to be a dependant variable.

In a survey psychologists select a random sample of research participants in order to ensure?

the participants are representative of the population they are interested in studying

What should be eliminated or minimized in the research design?

coercion, research risks, repeated recruitment of research participants for new protocols.

What are the APA guidelines for research using humans?

The APA guidelines for research using humans include obtaining informed consent from participants, ensuring voluntary participation, protecting participants from harm, maintaining confidentiality, and debriefing participants after the study. Researchers are also required to obtain institutional review board (IRB) approval before conducting research with human participants.

What minimizes the risk of harm by telling research participants what to expect before the participate in research?

Informed Consent

Does Independent Study Look Good On your record?

Anything you do that enhances your record is a positive move. You should also consider experience, volunteer activities, and research.