The Roman numeral system works by having separate symbols to represent different numbers but unlike our system there was no symbol for zero. Essentially we have 9 numbers and then add a zero on the end to denote 10s, two zeros to denote 100s and so on. the Romans simply had additional symbols to denotes 10s, 100s etc. Examples of Roman numerals and how they are worked out follows...
1 = I
2 = II (1 + 1)
3 = III (1+ 1 + 1)
4 = IV (1 before 5)
5 = V
then the system repeats...
6 = VI (5 + 1)
7 = VII (5 + 1 + 1)
8 = VIII (5 + 1 + 1 + 1)
9 = IX (1 before 10)
10 = X
Additional numerals exist for 50 (L), 100 (C), 500 (D) and 1000 (M) and they work on the same system so, for example...
XX = 20
XXX = 30
XL = 40
CCC = 300
CD = 400
CM = 900
The Mayan number system is vigesimal (based on twenties)The Roman number system is decimal (based on tens)
They have no zero.
No, the Roman Numerals are a based less number system.
The Roman numeral system was started by the Etruscans who once ruled the Romans.
The Roman numeral system was derived from the Etruscan numeral system and the Etruscans once ruled the Romans.
The Mayan number system is vigesimal (based on twenties)The Roman number system is decimal (based on tens)
Roman Numerals
The Roman numeral system was formed by the ancient Etruscans.
They have no zero.
It is zero because it's not needed in the Roman numeral system.
No, the Roman Numerals are a based less number system.
The Roman numeral system was started by the Etruscans who once ruled the Romans.
it is actually a number system that the Romans made.
roman numberales
The Roman numeral system was derived from the Etruscan numeral system and the Etruscans once ruled the Romans.
No, it is much more difficult.