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Roman numerals are a numeral system that originated in ancient Rome. The numbers 1 to 2000 in Roman numerals are represented as follows: 1 is "I," 5 is "V," 10 is "X," 50 is "L," 100 is "C," 500 is "D," 1000 is "M," and 2000 is "MM." To represent numbers in between, you combine the symbols, following specific rules, such as adding symbols together to represent larger numbers.

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15y ago

Any number from 1 to 10999 can be made using a combination of these numerals...
I = 1
V = 5
X = 10
L = 50
C = 100
D = 500
M = 1000
(IV) = 4000
(V) = 5000
(VI) = 6000
(VII) = 7000
(VIII) = 8000
(IX) = 9000
(X) = 10000

For example... 3 = III, 24 = XXIV, 48 = XLVIII, 296 = CCXCVI, 666 = DCLXVI, 1555 = MDLV, 2009 = MMIX, 4999 = (IV)CMXCIX, 10888 = (X)DCCCLXXXVIII.

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