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1200/sq ft

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Q: Roofing sheet aluminum rate per sq ft in India?
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India's death rate is 7.43 and China's is 7.17

India literacy rate?

The literacy rate in India is 76.9% for men and 54.5% for women. The overall literacy rate is about 66%.

What is the going rate for aluminum recycling in Detroit?

The rates for aluminum recycling varies from area to area. Rates are about 5 cents per aluminum can.

What is the current rate per pound for aluminum recycling?

The current rate for selling aluminum for recycling is about $1.1475 per pound not far from its high of �1.1500.per pound.

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India unflation rate 5.6% in feb'2009

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The crude birth rate of India is approximately 22.1/1000

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The unemployment rate in India in 1991 was approximately 3.4%.

Soda aluminum or plastic?

aluminum is the least expensive and the best for the enviornment. it has the biggest recycling rate of the three options.

What is the rate per square meter of roofing installation work?

It depends on the materials used, the location and the type of installation required.

What is India's literacy rate as of 2009?

idiot dumbo......... you dont know it........... look in the map loser