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Q: Rotating a triangle by 90 degrees will change the measures of the interior angles by?
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The interior measures of a triangle?

180 degrees

What type of triangle measures 60 degrees?

The 3 interior angles of an equilateral triangle each measures 60 degrees

What is the sum of the measures of an interior triangle?

180 degrees

What is the interior angle measures for a triangle?

The sum of the interior angles of a triangle on a plane is always 180 degrees.

Reflection of a triangle will change the measures of the interior angles by?

0 degrees

What type of triangle has an angle that measures 120 degrees and 70 degrees?

There is no such triangle because the 3 interior angles of any triangle add up to 180 degrees.

What are the 3 measures of the interior angles for an equilateral triangle?

60 degrees apiece.

What is measure of vertex angle in a golden triangle?

If you mean the golden rectangle then each of its 4 interior angles measures 90 degrees but if you mean an equilateral triangle then each of its 3 interior angles measures 60 degrees

What triangle has angles that are the same measures?

It is an equilateral triangle that has 3 equal interior angles of 60 degrees

What is the sum of the measures of the interior angles of a polygon if each exterior angle measures 120 degrees?

The 3 interior angles of this equilateral triangle will add up to 180 degrees

What is the sum of the measures of the interior angle of a regular plygon if each exerior angle measures 120 degrees?

It will have 3 interior angles of 60 degrees that add up to 180 degrees and it is an equilateral triangle.

What triangle measures 50 degress?

The 3 interior angles of any triangle add up to 180 degrees.