When you round up (or down) any digit with a value of 5 or above adds 1 to the next column to the left, any digit with a value of 4 or less is ignored. So....
0.1193 becomes 0.119 becomes 0.12
To the nearest hundred it is zero.
8 rounded to the nearest hundred is "zero".
To the nearest hundred, 1.777 is 0.
0.33 to the nearest hundred is zero.
To the nearest hundredth, 0.02 To the nearest hundred, zero
what is 60,614 round to the nearest hundred
To the nearest ten: 760 To the nearest hundred: 800
Round down to zero to the nearest hundred and 32.07 to the nearest hundredth.
It is then 1400 to the nearest hundred
To the nearest hundred it is zero.
8 rounded to the nearest hundred is "zero".
It is 68,100 to the nearest hundred
To the nearest hundred would be 23500
Round to the nearest hundred. 3,653
88 to the nearest hundred is 100
3264141 to the nearest hundred = 3264100
1700 → 1700 to the nearest hundred.